Two of my dogs are from the bulldog family ~ they are both American Staffordshire Terriers and they originated from England. Some people mistakenly refer to Staffordshires as pitbulls but they are usually uninformed people who do not know the difference between a pit and a Staffordshire, never mind the difference between a Bijon and a Poodle.
A 'pit' is a lot smaller than my dogs, has a head more like a cross between a rat and a pig. Its ears are laid back and it has no neck. Actually I have seen one on tv with Don Cherry ~ you know the little white one seen with him in pictures and commercials regarding hockey.
Staffordshires are extremely intelligent dogs, are very friendly and are independant thinkers which is why they need to have people that know how to raise them. You do not 'punish' an animal - you discipline it with love. 'Ostracization' and 'withholding love and affection' when you normally give it all the time is far more effective [and harder to do] than hitting the animal. It requires effort and love on your behalf.
Those people that have 'pit bulls' or use other dogs to fight in pits are totally dysfunctional people who do not have the where-with-all to raise children properly never mind dogs. Those people are often into drug abuse and other crimes as well. As with any pet ~ it depends on the owner.
This page was last updated on: May 27, 2016
Oh Oh ... it looks like puppy is waking up ... he must have heard you ... but that's ok because he likes company. Just toss him a cookie or two and you have made a new friend for life.