This is a message I found posted on a board about dogs and below it is the answer I posted in reply to it. This is also one of my 'pet peeves'.
Killer Dogs
I want to talk about all the news about those breed of dogs that kill people. You know, I've always been a dog lover and still am, but I'm starting to think that certain breeds should not be allowed on this earth with the rest of us. I know...... The sane (unlike biker crazed idiots) intellegent people who own those kinds of dogs always say that it is not the dogs fault. Its the way they are raised, but we hear all the time about loving gentle dogs (of that kind of breed) all of the sudden and without provocation killing or maiming children or guest of the people. As much as I believe in freedom, I'm wondering if it is time to outlaw and destroy them all for the safety of the masses.
Any thoughts on this issue?
What dogs???
I didn't know there was a certain breed of dogs that killed people. This is entirely new to me and I have had a few different breeds of dogs myself but thankfully have never encountered a killer dog.
I have to agree with the people who say, "it is the way that they are raised". I have never known a dog to hurt anyone never mind kill anyone unless they have been abused and trained to react in that fashion.
Of course the people who have any form of 'killer dog' are probably dysfunctional and should no more have a dog than a child for if they have not the patience, love and discipline needed to raise a dog properly how on earth can you ever expect them to raise a child?? Of course this explains a lot about our society today doesn't it??
All too many times it is a case of the 'blind leading the blind' - people who have not the where-with-all to raise a child or a pet. They simply pass on their dysfunctions, prejudices, and anti-social behaviours without even knowing what they are doing.
Dysfunctional ~ because they haven't the where-with-all or ability to change - or perhaps just too lazy to work at it. Anti-social because they cannot get along with others. Prejudiced because they do not have enough information about what they are doing or talking about and simply don't know all the facts but make quick and hasty judgements about others. Don't you agree??
Wait a second ~ isn't that what you are doing?? Pre-judging animals by their class/race/breed? Not every dog is a killer no matter what it's breed is, no more than every black person is a thief or every Jewish person is a business man.
We are all God's creatures, great and small and one of the reasons we have allowed many of the lives and races here to go into extinction is just such an attitude as you have displayed above. The Jews were being exterminated for just that reason by a man called Hitler - do you propose to go the same route?? Would you be one of the SS men who stood behind and defended Hitler's actions - only in regards to certain breeds of animals?
Whatever breed of dog you are talking about is irrelevant for I have heard of no certain breed of dog going around hurting people any more than any other. The difference is that right now it is the fashion to attack one breed of dog more because of paranoid people who are 'afraid'. There will always be a focus on animals who hurt and about every ten years or so the breed changes and another breed takes it's place as a 'killer dog'. I have seen this now with four different breeds of dogs and wonder what dog will be in the limelight in the next few years.
What you fail to realize is that there are just as many - in fact more - discussions on the good points of all the dog breeds but they are not played up in the media with the same amount of sensationalism and one cannot really blame the media for that. It is mankind's sickness that really is to blame for 'man' is too interested in the macabre, the ugly, the depths and sicknesses of society and not focused enough on the good of man. Of course this just explains why we have murderers and transitional 'killer dogs'. Look at who is raising them...
Just my two cents, for what it is worth.